Thursday, August 30, 2012

1st Grade: 1st Day

It's dark at 6:45am 'round these parts.  The bus picks her up at 6:53am and she was STOKED to get to ride the bus this year.  I didn't want to permanently blind her, so I only took a few pictures before school.

Here she is with her card from Grandma and Grandpa. This year she's a Newton Indian, so the card was red. Grandma did an awesome job on this, despite the inside of the card's minor misspelling.

And the bookbag - PURPLE! With PUPPIES!  She was so excited for her first day.

Stay tuned for more "after" school pictures when the sun was up. :o)

Friday, August 24, 2012

1st Grade: Newton Open House

We got out of the car - and she wanted to run into the school.  She waited patiently for everyone to squeeze out and pulled me towards the sidewalk.  "This is going to be my new school forever, Mama!"

She was just thrilled to meet Mrs. George, her 1st grade teacher.  Her first teacher in her new school.  We ran into Candy and Deanna on our way into the classroom. She didn't want to stand there and WAIT!, as the anticipation was KILLING! her.  Finally, I gave into the arm tugging.  "Ok, let's go!" and off we went into her new class. 

Her new desk. Jaaden, from her soccer team, is right across the table, so she will be fine on the first day.

We'll need to add ALOT of hair to this figure (used for the behavior scale).

Robbie, he was impressed with all of the cool things he could explore in the room.  (PS: What's up, Sophia? Do you like Robbie's shirt?)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Darke County Fair

Daddy took us to the Darke County Fair again this year - mostly so he could play games and ride rides with Terri. :o)

Robbie entertained himself with his trains while we waited on Daddy and Terri to ride the bumper cars. (And I got nervous with all the people crowding in around us.)

Bumper cars: Terri pushing the gas, Daddy driving.

She popped 2 balloons on the first try and won a tiger.

2nd try - she didn't pop any balloons, but did stick one in the hanging moons (see above her head).

After about 10 tries and Daddy demonstrating what to do, she did ring the bell and won a pink inflatable dolphin.

As we were walking to the Rabbit barn, we ran into Deanna and Aunt Brenda. Then we headed into the barn, where Terri thought we were going to buy her a rabbit.  Ummm, no dear.  (I got yelled at for taking pictures in this barn, so we left.)
Somewhere after this, we finally did run into Seth. {Mostly because he found us.} We couldn't find the right tent for the Park District.

SNAKE ATTACK! Robbie was yelling for Daddy to help Sissy.

Another dart game, where she won a penguin when she hit both times.  Sadly, she would not share this prize with Amy.

The wiffle ball toss where Mommy won a mini-giraffe, that Robbie snuggled with for about 2 seconds and then threw on the ground.

The "Happy" swing.

And then we went to find our Giant Shaved Ice and headed for the exit.  Our feet hurt!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Miami County Fair

We were only able to make it to the fair 1 night, for about 3 hours.
Robbie wasn't scared of any of the animals, and actually wanted to pet each and every one of them.  He even tried to pet the turkeys. ha!

Grandma's favorite animal - the jersey cow.

We watched the 5 hot air balloons take off over our heads.

Then we watched some of the bands in the Grandstand.  Miami East had Robbie clapping. But Newton - had him dancing in circles.

They rocked it out with solos from several of their kids. Nice job, Newton!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ten on Tuesday: Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

Gatlinburg, TN Girls Weekend August 2012

On Friday, we dubbed ourselves the "Purple Girls!" 

1. Posing with a real bear.

2. Downtown Gatlinburg horse back riding (The Village)

3. She wanted to throw a penny in the fountain. Posing with Mommy was not first on her priorities.

4. See? Girls just wanna have fun!

5. Beaner blinding herself.

6. Who will fall asleep first?  (Look closely, matching PJs on 2 girls, and we didn't even plan that.)

7. Swimming in the pool. Not chlorine, salt. Yuck!

8. Dixie Stampede. She loved it!

9. BFF Girls. Lava Blue Girl (Audrey), Shark Purple Girl (Terri), and Ice Pink Girl (Sophia) all wearing their new necklaces. (They talked all weekend about their super powers and how they would save the world.)

10. KY rest area. See? Girls just wanna have fun! {again}

Monday, August 6, 2012

Saturday Crazys

{Note: All camera phone pictures, sorry for the poor quality}
We introduced the Bean girls to Center Stage, where they may take dance with us next year. Terri is signed up for a combo class of tap and jazz.  She's excited for classes to start in September.

Next, we headed to get my hair cut and thinned. As we were waiting in the lobby, she found some eye glasses that they had sitting there for people to use to do crossword puzzles.  She thought they looked cute on her, even though she couldn't see with them on her face.

Next up - school clothes shopping.  She picked out this dress to try on.  I think it's my favorite thing we bought.

Next up, the shoe section.  I finally let her have some "glitter" on her shoes. This was after she picked out purple Adidas tennis shoes.  There was a definite purple theme this year in the clothes and shoes. (Too bad they don't come in adult sizes, because Mom and I would totally wear these too!)

Once home (and after the rain storm passed), we had a bonfire.  The pile was as tall as the corn field when we started.

Seth came over to share in the bonfire experience and Terri couldn't help but steal his hat. (HA!)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

2012 Soccer: 1st practice

Newton fall soccer. Terri was excited to go and meet her other teammates. She stood back and listened, as she was a little tentative not knowing what to do. (This is her 1st year, and most of the other kids this is their 3rd year.)

Coach was explaining positions. This is her "defender" pose.  Apparently, she thought she could use her Karate on the field.

Then they did some dribbling drills.  She kept picking up the ball and moving it so it would be easier to kick around the cones.  After some help from coach, she was able to do it the correct way.

Learning about "Toe-Knee" where she mostly just got the knee part, but that was good for her.

Listening intently to the rules for "Crab" soccer.

She did pretty well with getting around the "crabs."

Passing drills.

Scrimmage at the end of practice. She followed instructions, but didn't really know what she was supposed to be doing.

She doesn't like to be hot and sweaty, so this should be interesting. I think she'll learn a lot this year.