Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Daddy & Daughter Camping

Robbie and I briefly stopped by the Nashville UCC park for their family camp.  Terri and Daddy were camping with the rest of the bunch (mostly Peele family).  Terri had a blast!

Deanna helped me keep track of Robbie while everyone else enjoyed story time.

"TA-DA! I can throw dirt!"

Total boy.

Supper time. She ate crackers and a cold hot dog.

Grant had the brilliant idea to have chili dogs. He had to figure out a way to heat up the chili. Next time you see him, ask him about this.

As we were leaving, Robbie was yelling, "Sissy!"

And here she comes running, "Bubba.....I'm going to miss you!!!!!"

Monday, July 30, 2012

Grandpa's Helper

Robbie is the type of kid that likes to figure out how things work and do them himself.  So, a lot of the time, it's "monkey see, monkey do" around the house.  He watches Grandpa very closely.  Below is evidence of this, as he washed Harley on Sunday.

He couldn't figure out why the hose wouldn't reach any further.  (PS: Sorry Mom, didn't mean to cut off your head.)

"Whatcha' doin'?"

"You scrub, I'll rinse."

2 seconds after this picture was taken, he sprayed himself in the face and then proceeded to look at Grandma and I, like we're the ones that did it.

"I'll get that for you!"

Grandpa must have missed a spot.

"This bucket needs more water."

Friday, July 20, 2012

These two.... {Right now}

These two make me smile. These two make me laugh out loud. (They also make me very, very tired!)

{Right now....}

  • They love to play with each other, yet will fight over the same toys
  • Robbie will pull her hair to get what he wants and then, when she screams, say "Sworry!" and give her big hugs
  • Terri loves to give him hugs and kisses and say, "Come here, Bubba!" but if he's not in the mood he'll run away from her
  • She runs after him saying, "Come on, let me give you a hug!" Round and round and round the kitchen/living room.
  • If one is sitting next to Mommy, Daddy, Grandma or Grandpa, they other has to also. Usually sitting on the lap of above person to get more attention.
  • They both love to dance!
  • They can destroy a cleaned living room in 5 seconds flat!
  • She is growing taller and taller (look at those long legs) and he is still a very picky eater.
Terri and Robbie, I love you to the moon and back.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


He pushes the swing, and just stands there.  It inevitably BONKS! him in the head.

What does he do?

He does it again.

And this time, he leans his head forward, lets the swing hit his head, and says, "Ouch!!!"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Annual Peele Family 4th

The hottest day possible.  That's what it was. 103 degrees with a heat index of 110+.  The pool and sprinklers kept the kids cool.  The adults were in front of a fan with mist bottles.

As quickly as we got there and got into swimming suits, Terri and Robbie were in the pool.

The vest was not tight enough, and didn't keep Robbie from going under, so I had to make a run to Menard's to buy floaties. Robbie was not a big fan of them at first and wanted them taken off his arms.  But they did help keep his head above the water.

Starting to prune, so Daddy took him out of the pool.

Drying off for 2 seconds before shedding the towel and running back towards the pool.

Need a few Charlie's Angels replacements? I know where to find 2.

Some sort of weird Peele boy challenge to see who could stay under the cold sprinkler water the longest. Who won? I can't remember.

Desiree and Quentin took on Grandma in a water fight.  I do know who won.

Dad showing off his new bike with rides for Susan, Peggy and Anna.  Peggy only screamed a little when he took off down the road.

Mr Derrick focused intently on something other than Aunt Kris.

Robbie hanging out with Zak and Allen to watch fireworks. (or for at least 10 seconds while he sat still)

And the annual Grant Peele fireworks display. The Hex shot at the end was really neat, but I didn't get pictures because Robbie was sleeping on my shoulder through it all by that time.

As always, thank you to Don, Kellie and family for allowing us all to invade your house and yard for the day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

We Root For The Purple Team!

Beaner coached Audrey's softball team this year.  Terri and I were finally able to make it to see a game.  (Next to last game, that was a close call).  Terri enjoyed rooting for the purple team (because "Purple's my favorite color, Mom! And I have to root for Audrey too!") until she realized she knew one of the players on the white team from dance class.  She then decided she could root for both of her friends' teams.

"Don't take my picture, MOM!"

Audrey spotted me taking pictures through the fence.

Audrey field a grounder.

Her short stop left her hanging.

A little coaching.  Audrey looks like she's pointing like Babe Ruth.

Swing batter, batter, batter.

This is how not to pay attention to the game while being the catcher.

Sophie spotted me taking pictures too.


Terri's friends she rooted for at the game, Katarina and Audrey.

Beaner is well respected by the other coaches.

The goofy Bean girls.

A rabbit?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Karate - Yellow Stripe

Tuesday, July 3rd: Before class, Terri took her test for the yellow stripe belt.
She had to perform snap kicks.

And punches.

And head blocks.

Hold the push up position and perform 5 push ups.

Hang from a bar for 30 seconds and perform 1 pull up.

She passed!
Then normal class started.  Here are part of the warm ups.

At the end, they played dodgeball to work on agility and concentration.  It was the 7 younger kids against the 4 older kids.  The younger kids won each time.

Tuesday, July 10th: At the end of class she did a demo and received her yellow stripe belt.  During class, they worked on teamwork.  Here she's working on punches while her partner works on head blocks.

The next teamwork activity involved being blindfolded.  Their partner had to guide them to a certain spot to do snap kicks.  It was pretty funny watching some of the kids walk their partners right into walls or the center poles.

And in the end, she did receive her new belt.  We are very proud of her.