Friday, July 20, 2012

These two.... {Right now}

These two make me smile. These two make me laugh out loud. (They also make me very, very tired!)

{Right now....}

  • They love to play with each other, yet will fight over the same toys
  • Robbie will pull her hair to get what he wants and then, when she screams, say "Sworry!" and give her big hugs
  • Terri loves to give him hugs and kisses and say, "Come here, Bubba!" but if he's not in the mood he'll run away from her
  • She runs after him saying, "Come on, let me give you a hug!" Round and round and round the kitchen/living room.
  • If one is sitting next to Mommy, Daddy, Grandma or Grandpa, they other has to also. Usually sitting on the lap of above person to get more attention.
  • They both love to dance!
  • They can destroy a cleaned living room in 5 seconds flat!
  • She is growing taller and taller (look at those long legs) and he is still a very picky eater.
Terri and Robbie, I love you to the moon and back.

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