Monday, July 30, 2012

Grandpa's Helper

Robbie is the type of kid that likes to figure out how things work and do them himself.  So, a lot of the time, it's "monkey see, monkey do" around the house.  He watches Grandpa very closely.  Below is evidence of this, as he washed Harley on Sunday.

He couldn't figure out why the hose wouldn't reach any further.  (PS: Sorry Mom, didn't mean to cut off your head.)

"Whatcha' doin'?"

"You scrub, I'll rinse."

2 seconds after this picture was taken, he sprayed himself in the face and then proceeded to look at Grandma and I, like we're the ones that did it.

"I'll get that for you!"

Grandpa must have missed a spot.

"This bucket needs more water."

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