Friday, June 29, 2012

Karate - Social Butterfly

Tonight, there was a new little girl trying out karate. My social little butterfly went right up to her and said hello and introduced herself. She immediately had to show her "the ropes."  I watched her introduce her to the other classmates, show her how to practice on the pads until class started, and even helped her during warm-ups.  After warm-ups, they did running drills. Zoom, Zoom! Around and Around they run!

Next, they did a balance drill where they had to hop down the mat with a hoop over their foot. The 2nd turn, she made it the whole way. I think her monkey toes held it on a couple off times. She was very proud of herself.

(I did a video of this - but haven't figured out how to upload those to the blog)

Lastly, they did a focus drill where they had to hit a pad before it drops to the ground. She hit 2 of 3 and almost got the third. She took concentrating very serious! Her 2nd turn she punched a bag pretty far (after being challenged by the Sensei to punch the bag as hard as they can) and almost beat the previous "record."

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