Monday, June 18, 2012

2012 Staycation - Kings Island

In no particular order (because that's the way my brain works) - I bring you the first post about our 2012 Staycation.

We decided on Monday to ask Anna-Banana to watch Robbie for us, as we didn't really think he would enjoy the whole experience (at age 2.5) of riding rides and strolling as the rest of us.  It worked out splendidly, since he was able to fall asleep for his nap on the living room floor, as usual.

So, to start the day - Terri got snagged for the obligatory pictures at the entrance with Dad and Mom.

1st ride up for the day? The Beastie (which is now called the Woodstock Express).  As we were waiting in line, we called Grandpa.  As we talked, I reminded him of the time he made me ride this roller coaster.  I was probably Terri's age.  I was completely terrified afterwards.  (May be the reason I don't care for them now?)  Terri talked to Grandpa and she told him she was excited and she was going to ride the whole time with her hands up in the air.  My fearless child, didn't get this enthusiasm for roller coasters from me.  Here we are, waiting in line:

Terrified much?

Terri had no clue who this character was, and had no plans to get in a picture with her.  I'm not a big Charlie Brown person either, but can't pass an opportunity to have a goofy picture taken at an amusement park.

I was too green in the face after "Surf Dog" to ride this next ride.  Here are Grant and Terri in line to ride the "Flying Ace."

 And soaring afterwards.

 Next up, was the log flume.

Grant SOAKED Terri and me!  We were not happy.  Shivering and cold, we made him fork over the $5 for the dryer.  It warmed us up and made us not look like drowned rats.

 Phineas & Ferb Summer To Do List Item checked off: Climb the Eiffel Tower

This ride didn't look that bad.  No chickens here.  After this backlot stunt roller coaster, I was definitely DONE with roller coasters for the day.  Not my thing. Yep, I'll wait on a bench for you from now on.

On the way to the "Racer," we played some arcade games.  Can you see the wiffle ball on the 1 pink cup?  Terri won a GIGANTIC pillow pet.

She picked the tiger.  And before you ask, Yes, I did have to carry it the rest of the day.

Overall, a great Staycation experience for the three of us.  Terri is definitely a thrill seeker (gets that from her Daddy).  We were able to walk around and do most everything we wanted.  We ran out of time at the end of the day to ride the Beast, since we needed to get home to our little munchkin at home.  

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