Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2012 Staycation - Cincinnati Zoo

The first day of vaction, we headed to the Cincinnati Zoo with Beaner and the girls.  2 adults and 4 kids - we were a little outnumbered.  We all piled in the Pilot (disclaimer: I love my Pilot, and I work for American Honda), turned up the tunes, and headed south on 75.  The perfect weather day to see the animals at the zoo - not too hot, not too cold. 

The funny thing is that all 3 girls showed up in pigtails for the day. Beaner and I didn't plan that at all.  Terri was the only one not wearing an animal shirt because she wanted to wear a pretty dress to the zoo.

At the zoo entrance - Robbie's saying, "Let's go people! Move already!"

We were in the reptile house and he was super excited to see the alligators.  Here he is making faces at them.

Sally the Camel has ____ humps??

Why 2, of course!

Hot gorillas.

The American Alligator - no touching for this one.

So proud, all 3 girls touched this snake.

Drink break!

The carousel.  Terri wanted the Tiger, but it was already taken, so she hopped right up on the zebra.

Robbie was not that excited about the carousel and wanted off immediately.

 The baby zebra.  So cute as it tromped around playing.

He missed the polar bear, which is my favorite part!

Audrey and Terri

He was talking to Audrey. "What up, girl?"

The stork. You know, where babies come from.

He had just woken up from his nap, and we were waiting in line for the train.  He did not want to wait for the choo-choo!

See? He's still not happy to be waiting, but Beaner tried.

We were the caboose.

Robbie was enamored with the peacock.

Watching the giraffe.

Beaner and the girls fed the giraffe while Robbie and I played in the water at the hand washing station.

And one last picture to end the day before heading to the car.

Funny things overheard that day ----
Beaner: "That'd be a bird, right?"
Beaner: "They look like Monkey Skunks!"
Me: "The Stork carries a baby in its pelican beak."

(We're definitely not going to be hired for Zoo curators any time soon.)

The Zoo membership will be well used this year.

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