Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Building a Birdhouse (and a Bus)

(June 7, 2012 - Mom & Dad's Birthday)

Lowe's offers these kits for sale, and Daddy couldn't pass up the opportunity to build a birdhouse with Terri. She hammered (and hammered and hammered) until the job was done.

Following the instructions:

 Robbie's not so sure the job can be completed without his help.

Birdhouse now complete - onto building the bus!  (Robbie claimed as his own.  CAR! CAR! Vroom, Vroom!)

While they were building, I walked down to see how tall the corn was in the field behind our house.  The streaming sun caused me to pause and smile.  I knew at that moment that Travis was there with me and smiling - wanting to wish Mom and Dad the happiest birthday today.

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